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County Party Secretary Bian and Development Zone leaders inspect our company on August 5.

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County Party Secretary Bian and Development Zone leaders inspect our company on August 5.


On August 5, our company had the honor of hosting the esteemed County Party Secretary Bian and the distinguished leaders of the Development Zone for an official inspection. This visit marked an important moment in recognizing the progress and potential impact of our ongoing project. To ensure the success of this significant event, Chairman Wang graciously accompanied the county leaders and provided them with insights and updates on our project's development. During the inspection, County Party Secretary Bian voiced her appreciation for the impressive speed and exceptional quality evident in the construction of our project. Her expression of satisfaction reflected the dedication and expertise of our team. In addition to acknowledging our achievements, she underscored the critical importance of upholding stringent standards for quality and safety in our future production activities. This emphasis on excellence reflects the county's commitment to ensuring that the region's industrial developments prioritize safety and quality, thereby contributing to sustainable growth and progress. Secretary Bian's expressions of satisfaction and encouragement are indicative of her high expectations for our company's development. Her vision aligns well with HTX's primary goal – to pioneer breakthroughs in the industry and explore new opportunities. Our aspirations are centered on spearheading advancements in the field of PVC Processing Aids, a testament to our commitment to achieving significant milestones and driving progress across various facets of our operations. The visit from Secretary Bian and the Development Zone leaders has energized our team and reinforced our dedication to excellence and innovation. We are inspired by their confidence in our capabilities and are committed to realizing our vision of "Taking the lead and opening up new prospects." This visit has further galvanized our resolve to deliver groundbreaking achievements that will benefit not only our company but also the wider community, setting a new benchmark for progress within the region.
